Сообщение от HUNTER
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Сообщение от jordan057
could you tell me about the origin of the FC Dnipro shirt?
why the club adopted blue and white colours?
It's a long story

actually, these three colors (blue, light-blue, white) originated in "Zenith" society. In the Soviet Union there was couple of clubs from Defense Dept. (Zenith, Dnipro, Krylia Sovetov) integrated to one sporting society. It was called "Zenith" and it had blue-white flag. After 1987 Dnipro played in red colors for a while and in mid-90's they decided to return to white-blue colors, since it correlate with water i think

(Dnipro - the name of the river in Ukraine). So FC "Dnipro" in the newest history known as "sinye-belo-goluboy" (aka bianco-celesti

P.S. In early USSR nobody didn't care about identity, so i don't know why Zenith = blue&white

They changed colors several times since 1940...